We exist to see desert places saturated with the presence of God.

What does it mean to see desert places saturated?

The Ephrata and Soap Lake landscape accurately portrays the condition of many hearts in our area that are dry and thirsty for an experience with the love of God. We all were once dry and desolate until God’s life-giving presence saturated the hearts of those who said yes to Jesus. We believe that God wants to bring a flood of renewal into the desert places of the Columbia Basin by seeing people develop roots in three different soils: Intimacy with God, Service to the World, and Community in the Church.

Meet Our Team

  • Blake Barnes

    Lead Pastor

  • Christina Barnes

    Women's Ministries

  • Sara Good

    NextGen Pastor

  • Cheryle Brewer

    Admin & Events

  • Jethro Brewer

    Hospitality & Building Care

  • Ashley Hamlett

    Missions & Outreach

  • Kellsi Foster

    Children's Ministry

  • Kieran Rolfe

    Worship and Media

  • “This has been my place of healing... Moving into Ephrata the end of January, I was still in a broken place, but God had started working in me. God has put me here for His purpose. There is healing in desert places.”


  • "We enjoy the friendly people at this church fellowship along with the upbeat praise songs and practical teachings based on Christian principles from the Bible."


  • "Kind people that care for the community."


What We Believe

Sound doctrine is critical because what you believe determines what you do. God has revealed truth about himself so that we can be in relationship with him. To pursue sound doctrine means to pursue the heart of Jesus.



I’m NEW TO CHURCH and I’m wondering:

  • No way. We are a church for people who’ve never been to church. We know you’re visiting and we like you. Feel comfortable to be yourself.

  • The leaders typically wear jeans and T-shirts. Everyone will be dressed in what’s comfortable. Some people rock button-ups. Others drop Ts. If you look extra snazzy, more power to you. Feel comfortable to be yourself.

  • Each weekend we gather to hear fresh, relevant, teaching from the bible that will impact your real life. We speak to non-christians and christians alike because we’re a church that exists for our community. A band leads us in a time of musical worship to Jesus. We have response times where people can go be prayed for, take communion (eat bread and drink juice remembering what Jesus did for us), or give to the mission.

    You might hear stories, or updates about exciting things happening in the church.

    If you’re new, we don’t pressure you to give money, take communion, we actually don’t want you to. We give as a church to create space for you. We genuinely care about you and you’re our valued guest.

  • Not if you won’t judge us. We are a group of imperfect people pursuing a perfect Savior. We love that you're different and welcome you to join us!

I’m a CHRISTIAN and I’m wondering:

  • Honestly, as serious as it gets. We’re excited you asked. We believe the Bible is the authority of God, inerrant, living, active, and powerful to transform not only our lives but our whole city. We love the Bible. We’re getting goose-bumps just thinking about it.

  • Actually, we think we can simultaneously speak to both Christians and non-Christians. We are persuaded that when you teach robust biblical doctrine, you will connect with the culture and serve those who’ve never stepped foot in a Church. We think doing that in a way that intentionally addresses the questions the culture around is asking is the pattern of the early church in Acts and should be the pattern today. Paul who became “all things to all people” that God might save some is a clear example.

    Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it well: “The Church is the Church only when it exists for others…” So we're going to teach the foundational doctrines of scripture, yet, speak them in a way so someone new to Christianity can understand.

  • We might as well be the opposite. We are a Gospel-preaching, Gospel-driven, Gospel-drenched, Gospel-centered church. We are all about Jesus. We believe in serious, sound, scriptural teaching, which excludes the prosperity and the poverty Gospel alike. At the same time we don’t shy away from God’s command to be generous, nor any other command, for that matter. Our motivation, message, and method is Jesus in everything! Because Jesus + nothing = everything.

  • Yes. We are proudly a Foursquare Church which is a global movement of churches. Our collective mission is to bring the gospel to the whole world. The four “squares,” or pillars, of the movement represent the four scriptural roles of Jesus as Savior, Baptizer With the Holy Spirit, Healer and Soon-Coming King.

Lets meet at Grow Class

Grow Class takes place on the 2nd Sunday of each month immediately following service. It is an opportunity to spend time with our pastors and for us to get to know one another. You will learn more about the vision of our church and how to get more involved. It is a casual, conversation style setting and is about 60 minutes long. (Childcare can be provided if requested in advance.)